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Rathcormac National School, Tully, Rathcormac, Co. Sligo

Rathcormac Kids Dragons Den

8th Dec 2023
Wow what talented children we have here in Rathcormac NS.! Following on from the success of our first Christmas Fair last year, we decided to run the event again this year, The children produced fantastic crafts last year and many were inspired and motivated to think of things they could make and sell this year.  
A group of children developed their own business plans and began production of their craft ideas. We saw fantastic creativity and teamwork in the consultation and design phases as they developed their original ideas. The children were supported by their parents as they helped them source their raw materials and supplies. But it was the children who put the hard work in.
We are so proud to have these entrepreneurial children in our school. Come along on the 8th December and see their fantastic crafts for yourself.